Example of Hortatory Exposition about Floods: Understanding and Taking Action
Introduction Floods have long been a serious issue that has garnered global attention. In many countries, including Indonesia, floods pose a real threat that damages property, claims lives, and disrupts daily life. In this piece, we will discuss why floods are a serious concern and why preventive and mitigative actions are crucial.
Considerations on Floods Floods are a natural disaster that occurs when water overflows from rivers, lakes, or seas, causing inundation in areas that are usually dry. There are several factors contributing to floods, including high rainfall, river overflow due to uncontrolled development, and climate change affecting weather patterns.
Impact of Floods The impacts of floods can be devastating. Apart from damaging infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings, floods can also result in loss of human and animal lives. Furthermore, floods have adverse effects on the environment, threatening biodiversity and contaminating natural resources.
The Need for Action Given the serious impacts of floods, it is essential to take appropriate preventive and mitigative actions. This may include constructing strong embankments and drainage systems, planning spatial arrangements wisely to avoid development in flood-prone areas, and educating the community on how to deal with floods and prepare for evacuation.
Public Awareness The role of the community in dealing with floods is also crucial. The public should be aware of the dangers of floods and take steps to protect themselves and their properties. This could involve building flood-resistant households, having well-prepared evacuation plans, and participating in greening and environmental conservation programs.
Conclusion Floods are a complex and serious issue that requires attention and action from all parties. With awareness of its dangers and the right preventive actions, we can reduce the adverse impacts of floods and protect ourselves, our families, and our environment from the increasing threat of floods. Therefore, let us commit together to be part of the solution in addressing this flood problem.
Structure of Hortatory Exposition:
- Introduction: Providing background information on the topic and a statement of opinion.
- Considerations on Floods: Discussing the factors causing floods.
- Impact of Floods: Presenting the negative impacts of floods.
- The Need for Action: Stating the importance of taking preventive and mitigative actions.
- Public Awareness: Emphasizing the role of the community in dealing with floods.
- Conclusion: Summarizing the argument and urging readers to take action.
This text serves as an example of a hortatory exposition about floods, outlining the importance of understanding, addressing, and overcoming the issue of floods. Structured using a typical format for this type of expository text, the text aims to persuade readers of the urgency and importance of preventive and mitigative actions against floods. By presenting facts, impacts, and feasible solutions, this text hopes to provide insights and encourage behavioral change in facing the threat of floods.
Contoh Hortatory Exposition Urban Flooding (Banjir Perkotaan)
Urban flooding occurs repeatedly during rainy season. It submerges the streets and buildings, causing traffic disturbance and stopping a lot of people from doing their activities. Although this type of floods is not considered to be dangerous, it causes a great loss in terms of economy, especially when it happens repeatedly within a short interval. A serious act needs to be done to stop this problem once and for all.
According to experts, urban flooding mostly caused by the inability of the drainage system to contain rain water and drain it away. The government along with the city planner must have tried to build a better drainage system beneath the city when an urban flooding happened. It turns out that this effort is simply not enough to stop the flood from happening again. When the authorities try to look deeper into this problem, they found out that there is another reason beside the design of the sewer which makes the drainage system failed to work properly, and it is pile of trash inside the sewer. When we talk about trash, as the resident of the city, we all contribute to this problem. If we really want to stop the urban flooding from happening again, we need to change the way on how we treat our trash all this time. We should not litter anymore.
Limited space for green area also contributes to urban flooding. As we know that tree roots are able to hold water from rising to the surface of the ground. Urban area usually lack of open space that can be used to plant trees. This condition makes the rain water to spread freely above the ground which may result in urban flooding. It is absolutely the responsibility of the government to provide green area around a city, but merely relying on the power of government to make it happen is not the right choice. We need to make a move, because if we work together then we can achieve the goal faster and it means that we can stop the urban flooding immediately.
Urban flooding has been around since many years ago and up to now we haven’t been able to put an end to it. One of the possible reasons is that we haven’t tried to work together to fix it just as the explanation above has shown us. If we really want to stop urban flooding from happening repeatedly, I encourage all of you to start taking real action right now. You can start it by simply planting a tree in your front yard and throwing trash into the trash can.
Terjemahan Contoh Hortatory Exposition Tentang Banjir
Banjir Perkotaan
Banjir perkotaan terjadi berulang kali selama musim hujan. Hal itu merendam jalanan dan bangunan, menyebabkan gangguan lalu lintas dan menghentikan begitu banyak orang untuk melakukan kegiatan mereka. Meski jenis banjir ini tidak dianggap berbahaya, ia menyebabkan kerugian besar dalam hal ekonomi, terutama saat itu terjadi berulang kali dalam selang waktu yang singkat. Sebuah tindakan serius perlu dilakukan untuk menghentikan masalah ini secara tuntas.
Menurut para ahli, banjir perkotaan umumnya disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan sistem drainase untuk menampung air hujan dan membuangnya. Pemerintah beserta perencana kota tentu telah mencoba untuk membangun sistem drainase yang lebih baik di bawah kota saat sebuah banjir perkotaan terjadi. Ternyata usaha ini tidaklah cukup untuk menghentikan terjadinya banjir itu lagi. Saat pihak berwenang mencoba melihat lebih dalam terhadap masalah ini, mereka menemukan bahwa ada alasan lain selain desain selokan/got yang membuat sistem drainase yang ada gagal untuk beroperasi secara baik, dan hal itu adalah tumpukan sampah di dalam got. Saat kita membicarakan tentang sampah, sebagai penduduk suatu kota, kita semua ikut berkontribusi terhadap masalah ini. Jika kita benar-benar ingin menghentikan banjir perkotaan agar tidak terjadi lagi, kita perlu mengubah cara kita memperlakukan sampah kita selama ini. Kita tidak boleh buang sampah sembarangan lagi.
Terbatasnya ruang untuk ruang terbuka hijau juga ikut berkontribusi terhadap banjir perkotaan. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa akar pepohonan mampu menahan air agar tidak naik ke permukaan tanah. Daerah perkotaan biasanya kekurangan ruang terbuka yang bisa digunakan untuk menanam pepohonan. Kondisi ini menyebabkan air hujan menyebar secara bebas di permukaan tanah yang mungkin berujung pada banjir perkotaan. Hal ini sudah tentu merupakan kewajiban pemerintah untuk menyediakan ruang terbuka hijau di sekitar kota, namun hanya bergantung saja pada kekuatan pemerintah untuk mewujudkannya bukanlah pilihan yang benar. Kita harus melakukan tindakan, karena jika kita bekerja sama maka kita bisa mencapai tujuan kita dengan lebih cepat dan hal itu berarti kita bisa menghentikan banjir perkotaan dengan segera.
Banjir perkotaan telah ada sejak bertahun-tahun yang lalu dan hingga saat ini kita belum bisa menghentikannya. Salah satu kemungkinan alasannya adalah bahwa kita belum mencoba untuk bekerja sama untuk memperbaikinya seperti yang telah ditunjukkan dalam penjelasan di atas pada kita. Jika kita benar-benar ingin menghentikan banjir perkotaan agar tidak terjadi berulang kali, saya mendorong anda semua untuk mulai melakukan aksi nyata mulai saat ini. Kamu bisa memulai nya dengan menanam pohon di halaman depan mu dan membuang sampah kedalam tempat sampah.